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@dan %ltRKorFMHrndS3MbYPEU1ZMQULStyHtcd07a01Gdhrk=.sha256
Re: %s9MG8jdhL

We're going to have to decide all the organisations who will be involved in this grant. Each of them is going to have to apply for a PIC

Simplest thing for us to do would be to bootstrap using existing companies or coops (I am doing this now)

protozoa ( @mix, @Piet, @Alanna)

rootsystems ( @mikey)


for example - given the tight deadlines here can anyone with a company or coop go ahead with the links below and apply for a PIC. We can figure stuff out on the fly and if we don't get our shit together, it won't hurt to have a PIC in reserve.

Registration of your organisation

Before submitting a project proposal, all organisations involved in the project must first be registered in the Participant Portal Participant Register and have their 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC number).

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