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@Gordon %nHW7oPyZnFqmWn+RHJJSSKEJ7OvBM8Ra3u28pD3ocrQ=.sha256
Re: %z28ZLyE7O

@masukomi isn't the whole idea of ssb-ooo that the peers you're requesting the post from will 'fan out' the request for the post (by post ID) until a peer is found that has it, then give it to you?

I've just realised that this idea probably wouldn't work anyway, because looking at the 'raw' version of your post, there's a 'previous' field (with the user's previous post on their feed), so a google-butt would just have to continually request the previous to get the majority of someone's feed and then have a bigger crawl space ( CC @Matt McKegg who I think also had the ssb-ooo idea.)

I don't think the 'previous' can just be omitted, because then the client can't verify the post wasn't forged, if my understanding is right.

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