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@mix %z2Q3Ieez6InHJNrbM/2IS825Uidr5+AwBrY81uZ0MKI=.sha256

hey @Dimple welcome to the scuttlepelago. A great place to start is introducing yourself over in #new-people . If you include things you're interested in or would like to find humyns will gladly help route your towards those people and places you might be interested in.
e.g. check out #ssb-show-and-tell #ssb-learning and the Dev Diary meta thread which links out to projects funded by grants so far.

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@mix %fkD+fwuQVRSIPYWkQWRlY9i/rL5YbkccduQj05riXLc=.sha256

it's @masukomi - but I'm sure he'd be open to intern journalists contributting

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@andrestaltz %w5BLrawWYOIryOJoV9fj0swRHx/IJ2BDdpP155WToow=.sha256

@Jan van Brügge If I understood correctly this proposal would be about documenting the community, although you have a very valid need for more dev documentation. It would be great if someone would apply for an #ssbc-grants to continue/augment the current

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