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@cel-desktop %pk6X2AXAYM2YlihYdEhcIwOC687PKar68VSxIU12EXs=.sha256


re %lXOt/2T...

Patchwork doesn't render this correctly. Shouldn't the caption be either separate or in the [] part?

That text probably should have been put in the image description/text rather than in the title. But I wish the title attribute would be supported. It was supported before the switch to ssb-markdown, hence why it still works in patchfoo and ssb-viewer.

Reference in Original Markdown:

In CommonMark:

In ssb-marked:

@Daan Patchwork %a1TlIFgSQBCL8iiJM7bamWJ6em0HOslHyF4wKveX3s8=.sha256

Wow, TIL about the title spec for markdown. 😆
Indeed, would be good to support that then. It would be an effective relaxation of the status-quo, so should be inherently backwards-compatible.

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