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@ev %pmudzDA261+rYg4SwU8A2XWWR5ZFAet34/n9uJl8JSQ=.sha256
Re: %lzjhJD+8k

Thank you @Christian Bundy for explaining the master plugin in a way that I could understand. I understand why it is required now.

thanks for raising this @ev. GRR that's a stink response from @dominic

My point is that I think this should be default on ... and disabled if someone needs to not have it on ... or at least give useful error messages. Like how is it possible to know what the crap is wrong when you're just told you're not allowed to call a method that's in your manifest.... I only magically know this master line is needed because I've worked on previous projects, and it still ate an hour of my time when I fell in this hole yesterday - @mixmix

@mixmix I agree with you that this plugin is an issue. I've removed it myself a few times, and not known why my sbot stopped working.

If master is required to run your scuttlebot instance, then it shouldn't be a plugin. I've removed it because I thought it was optional.

fyi, @dominic deleted my comment on github. It's a good thing I'm using an append-only log, otherwise no one would know what I said in the comment!

If mix and I feel stupid about an sbot error, then how will new developers to scuttlebot feel when they encounter it?

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