Thanks so much @mix and @zelf and @dominic, I only now saw these comments, but they really help.
Also thanks for the massage offer! I would love to receive it, but I think the money will be better applied elsewhere, because in this case I have a friend who is a masseuse, and I already booked a time with him. He's already given me stuff and gifts in the past, and he's such a giver that it will be even hard for him to accept my legitimate massage payment, so in this very specific instance I actually want to pay him from my own pocket. So keep that offer for some other occasion, to me it counts more that you guys are willing to do it.
Day 2
It's hard to say if or when I'm feeling better, but at least today I had some productive thoughts in the shower. One of them was about how to nuke an SSB feed once you have declared it forever unusable. Like imagine somehow magically someone got hold of the keys for @deprecated_zelf and started acting on her behalf, impersonating etc. There are two ways I imagine such accounts could self-nuke to avoid any future messages: (1) simply publish a new msg type "EOF"
(end of feed) which is subjectively used by apps to ignore future messages, (2) some kind of cryptography magic that makes it impossible or invalid to sigchain future messages. Not sure if (2) is possible.
Today I plan to do very light amounts of work (an email or two, and a tiny bit of poking programming) then take a nap (I never do) and just relax. I also just got from a friend a gift card to a spa, I might do that on the weekend.
I am sure I had another great thought from the shower but I can't remember what it was. I'm probably still not 100%. :D
@mix Yeah I skateboard, that's probably the only sport together with volleyball that I enjoy. I remember many years ago seeing videos of @nick longboarding in NZ and thinking that that must be such a fun experience, I wonder if you've done that with him sometimes. I indeed could share more pictures of my local life, it requires some change from my side, as I rarely take pictures nor share personal life on the internet and I'm still cautious with privacy even on the scuttleverse. Little by little