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@mikey %qvUnPcGXubUETnkVBknt5EH5nY1RDeCioe3Ql9VXy6Y=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT

if i were a user looking at a profile of another user that i don't follow, it would show how many flags they have? and what could i as the user do about that?


if you were a user looking at a profile of another user you didn't follow, you would be able to see any flags given to that user by your friends.

this is meant to be the ssb approximation of when you go to a party with some friends, either before or during you might have some conversations or quick glances regarding any unsafe people to beware at the party.

(i think @substack summed this up really well: %kvtQkJc...)

at the moment, newbies who join our scuttle party can't immediately know who deemed "unsafe" by their friends who invite them, unless they are told directly via a private message or read through the thousands of posts to gain context on the social dynamics of our network.

if you were someone who was flagged, if the flag was public and you are in the social neighborhood of the person who flagged you then you will see that you've been flagged for a specific reason by a specific person, potentially with some context attached to the flag.

however i don't actually know the best way to do flags, i think there's a problem with us not being able to signal negative feedback about our peers, i'm interested in starting a discussion and gathering feedback on how we could approach this problem. i know for example @Dominic has a different take on flags: %IOkhjB9..., %+bLn6BZ...; i'm keen to learn more.

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