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@Anders %sWBz0dFav22YCH8bnsXBl4lhtQQL7anlGfVZGp3VF+s=.sha256
Re: %krfSQ45E1

@kas are you up for claiming your pub using this?

Replace id below :)

ssb-server publish --type pub-owner-announce --pub @lbocEWqF2Fg6WMYLgmfYvqJlMfL7hiqVAV6ANjHWNw8=.ed25519

  "key": "%ZSsBgNjZcM+DSwIgvL965Ci71huNJGH5YwonUKGFb2M=.sha256",

On the pub use key:

ssb-server publish --type pub-owner-confirm \
  --announcement %ZSsBgNjZcM+DSwIgvL965Ci71huNJGH5YwonUKGFb2M=.sha256 \
  --address 4fqstkswahy3n7mupr2gvvp2qcsp6juwzn3mnqvhkaixxepvxrrtfbid.onion:8008:@lbocEWqF2Fg6WMYLgmfYvqJlMfL7hiqVAV6ANjHWNw8=.ed25519

Would be nice with 1 more pub in my network. I'm trying to see how things work when I only connect to specific pubs.

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