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@Anders %krfSQ45E12ugo7CyB+WPQx8NGar8AahcD6PcAm09Jow=.sha256

Forked from %k8eJWwA...

A way to prevent your posts being indexed by malicious crawlers (meta issue)

My idea for this would be something like the following:

  • Generate a message that says: I run pub X, and it supports feature X, Y, Z. Example incoming guard enabled. I tried deducing if incoming guard was enabled or not, but sbot shuts down the connection so fast that I did not have a reliable way to test this. Also I don't think its such a bad idea that this info is there. Another would be if it runs over tor, but you get that from the address.
  • Pub acknowledges this message, in this way it is similar to sameAs and user invites
  • Add a new scheduler to sbot and a way to enable it during runtime to only connect to pubs run by friends with feature X, Y

Feedback welcome.

@Dominic %Nyx0csWd+om5zW8KT1RbhkOevmdQrKSDfSyrWUxN/CU=.sha256

This sounds very useful!

I think it's very good idea to have strong linking of who runs what pub, but is it overkill to then have that feed make statements about what is running on that pub?...

I'm imagining that they ssh in, update the pub's code, then start it again, the pub looks at the last message it posted describing it's feature support, and if the features have changed since then, publishes a new one automatically. Seems far easier for the pub to do this, rather than the pub's owner, who would need to correctly state what features are supported.

@Anders %qH0UG3i6bC+jEIq9XZtcqVYQdZ4EUp/mf+EkQAdr31Y=.sha256

Right, makes sense. Thanks!

@Anders %JQHAq5bbWlNFK7qsWjzPnIyuTfZuasyC51/jpoyylYY=.sha256

Initial version up github git-ssb

A module for scuttlebot that
interprets pub owner announcements and presents a list of pubs run by
your friends or within a certain number of hops.

One way to run this, is to install it on your machine and set
friendPub.hops to 1. Meaning only replicate with pubs run by me or
my friends. Then install it on your pub and set the same config
to 2. This way your pub will replicate to the same pubs that you
replicate, and won't start replicating to random pubs.

FIXME: integrate this with sbot to overwrite default gossiping

Please note that this does not guarantee that your messages will not
be gossipped outside your friends, as any node not running this module
will connect to random pubs they have encountered. But it does give
you some level of control and also this will prioritise messages to
your friends assuming they connect to their pubs more often that other

Message types for owner of pub:

  • { type: 'pub-owner-announce', pub: '@id' }
  • { type: 'pub-owner-retract', announcement: '%id' }

Message types for pub:

  • { type: 'pub-owner-confirm', announcement: '%id', address: "xyz.onion", features: ["tor", "incoming-guard"] }
  • { type: 'pub-owner-reject', announcement: '%id' } // to reject a confirm later on

This can be combined with the

@cryptix %bHe9fpYNVGVnfkaOBbNbV/u4ZWUXH6NnOvEleN28UTY=.sha256
Voted Forked from %k8eJWwAdR/Ai2g9W63C5Ux1L55KYW3Z/qfTt42giJjA=.sha256 > A way t
@Anders %psSbmBisdnq2E8JEUcLFQGjVxCCYkPnyxmAF2hbtBXU=.sha256

Published v 1.0.

Been testing this with my own and cels pub. Thanks @cel

Can be installed as a plugin and enabled in config using:

  "plugins": {
    "ssb-friend-pub": "friendPub"

This will make ssb-friend-pub prioritise pubs run by your friend. In
order to only connect to these pubs, ssb-server 13.5 is needed. You
need to disable global gossipping and enable friends as follows:

  "gossip": {
   "friends": true,
   "global": false,
   "local": false,
   "seed": false
User has chosen not to be hosted publicly
@Anders %sWBz0dFav22YCH8bnsXBl4lhtQQL7anlGfVZGp3VF+s=.sha256

@kas are you up for claiming your pub using this?

Replace id below :)

ssb-server publish --type pub-owner-announce --pub @lbocEWqF2Fg6WMYLgmfYvqJlMfL7hiqVAV6ANjHWNw8=.ed25519

  "key": "%ZSsBgNjZcM+DSwIgvL965Ci71huNJGH5YwonUKGFb2M=.sha256",

On the pub use key:

ssb-server publish --type pub-owner-confirm \
  --announcement %ZSsBgNjZcM+DSwIgvL965Ci71huNJGH5YwonUKGFb2M=.sha256 \
  --address 4fqstkswahy3n7mupr2gvvp2qcsp6juwzn3mnqvhkaixxepvxrrtfbid.onion:8008:@lbocEWqF2Fg6WMYLgmfYvqJlMfL7hiqVAV6ANjHWNw8=.ed25519

Would be nice with 1 more pub in my network. I'm trying to see how things work when I only connect to specific pubs.

@kas %969EBd1v5PTWwgkyvQI4rhGnXwBmmonFGtbWYdYimf8=.sha256

@arj, why not (I'm not sure I understand what the benefits are). I assume I can use sbot instead of ssb-server?

It looks a bit like sameAs, conceptually, doesn't it? I claim that $PUBKEY is my pub, and the pub signs/confirms the announcement. Is that it?

@kas %pItXVEAzZUJgiLdLz7LGZF/EeSmagiMTMGh2KVPsfc8=.sha256

--address 4fqstkswahy3n7mupr2gvvp2qcsp6juwzn3mnqvhkaixxepvxrrtfbid.onion:8008:@lbocEWqF2Fg6WMYLgmfYvqJlMfL7hiqVAV6ANjHWNw8=.ed25519

Is that the required format? I thought that these days addresses looked like


I.e., like the output from sbot address.

@Anders %iqwe60s5gTPdhzeKPtRdcxJUs2Pj/G0Sx97n/3L/D1g=.sha256

@kas it is the same mechanism as sameAs, but I think the semantics of a pub is different so I wanted to handle them in a special way. And yes sbot also works. You don't need to run this module or anything, its just to help me test for now.

This is an implementation of pubs as a second device. Right now the benifits are now that big, but over time I think this should help us move pubs to a more natural place. This together with user invites.

And regarding the address format then both works. net: is multiserver format. The address reply will be replaced with ssb-device-address in the future, but for now it is needed.

Thanks :)

@Anders %dZyt9najtFlu4WtJ4N5xEGOYSUAwaDdRYbrDsGXNuUk=.sha256

Oh, you already did. I see two of your pubs now. Thanks!

@kas %TfXoaoFCdfRMvj07HqvtD+YK1TlYQJD6jC6Sctq4K30=.sha256
Voted Oh, you already did. I see two of your pubs now. Thanks!
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