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@Christian Bundy %sdB8p2xYE6/8a1FwIxMSHV2SPE9WAxQyT+ARzTkslGY=.sha256
Re: %aIymEAIOg


!!! This would be really really really sweet. I'd totally cover the costs on something like that.

I'm using 2×2 dimensional lumber which is supposed to be 1.5 inches (~38.1 mm), but I've been using reclaimed lumber from deconstructed buildings (now required by law in Portland for demolishing buildings built after 1916), so the dimensions are all over the place.

(Maybe I should have a hand plane and only buy wood that's >= to the dimensions I want?)

Here's all the measurements I have, I think some are irrelevant but I'd rather include too much info that not enough info

  • Wood: 1.5" by 1.5"
  • Holes: 5/16" diameter every 1.5"
  • Bolts: 1/4"-20 by 3.5", 7/16" hex head
  • Washers: 1/4"
  • Nuts: 1/4"-20 by ???, 7/16" hex head
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