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@Dominic %v5AwBLeqP7RdJMaIcar7ei84D0nj4mxoFN0P7pAamcM=.sha256
Re: %SXpL4ZR1l

I blocked the guy that @mixmix didn't because I had to implement block correctly and wanted to make sure that it works. (it was like half there, not enough trolls) The fact that he still seems to occasionally use ssb but I never see his posts (but sometimes I do see people talking to him) let me know it works!

@timhardy I was the same with twitter, and I weaned myself off by switching to tweetdeck, which enabled me to disable notifications about likes/retweets entirely. I really don't need real time notifications about that, maybe daily would be okay?

The goal of ssb is to build a thing where the users have some sort of say and the interface ends up optimized for their happyness and calmness not their engagement... since the data layer is strongly separated from the UI layer, I can never shut down competing UIs or own all the UIs in the ecosystem.

Agree with @rich I care more about who like/digs my post than how many.

Also, note - twitter has global notifications for replies and favs - and this is the main vector for abuse - but on ssb there are no global push notifications of any kind you can know about replies or likes from someone that is in your broader social network (depending on your replication settings)

@tim %1b8TQ4HPj8IGXRbKPK07u9RMyNKkIwKXdZO4N8g1w6s=.sha256

Also, note - twitter has global notifications for replies and favs - and this is the main vector for abuse - but on ssb there are no global push notifications of any kind you can know about replies or likes from someone that is in your broader social network (depending on your replication settings)

Yes. This is something I completely love about ssb :)

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