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@mix %vrX+WQc66/1EWAeqJz4kvvNbHxyOFMi9Ude4rkJ9a14=.sha256
Re: %YshVpy9UQ

MOVING ON, here's my thought on this new proposal :

+1 what @andrestaltz said about prioritisations.

For example

  • I feel excited about the sameAs thing getting to a working prototype that's deployed. I feel apprehensive that if it's one-of-many then it'll get a look but we won't get substantive progress / learning.
  • I also feel like gatherings needs some love in a way that's useable across platforms. I'd love to help out with that for Free (I feel like our work on ssb-loomio has progressed my thinking and practice a lot and I'd love to have great gatherings everywhere). I personally would not value your energy building patchwork only gatherings features (not sure what your plan was / is though)

Mmm, it's this line I want to pay attention to.

...rather than feeling bitter that all my work is being used by hundreds of people without compensation.

What I write below is critical, and appreciative. I want you to be 100% clear @matt that I want your hard work to be rewarded and honoured. I want to step back and choose a path forward that does more than just get us more of the same (e.g. 2 months on, then more bitterness)

That preface done, here's a range of feeling vectors that came up for me reading that line:

  • You're incredibly generous, your actions suggest you enjoy maintaining
  • I don't think you want to be a maintainer for everyone as The Butt Client... but I don't see that changing and I don't see you acting to shift away (by either adding maintainers, or generalising tools so other clients can be aweseome)
  • If there's bitterness around, I don't think just shoving money at it is a good long term solution
  • I want your work to be seen and valued and appreciated
  • Supporting you to change your mind a lot, or to loop over decisons, or to propose the option to create options and might not be support.
    • There are studies that show that the option to change your mind makes people measureably less happy with their choices. Have looked for the reference, but can't find it quickly
    • Perhaps I have some challenge around wanting specific things out of grants. I think my preference would actually be fo some and some - e.g. definitely sameAs to this point, then follow your heart.

Urggh, I feel unpleasant writing this. Perhaps I should just calm the crap down because you clearly do rad stuff. Perhaps I'm muddling other issues (like feeling empathetic pain listening to you critisize yourself incredibly harshly) with something that's not really related.

Care about you and would love to talk about this more.

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