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@andrestaltz %Ha5wzZbnM4MbuXJVPB4aJRmiJXF1DJevfIm1gIjlQ5U=.sha256

But hooo boy, I do not want a bunch of frog people promoting to show up here.

Even if they start using SSB, they don't need to show up here. ;)

@andrestaltz %jWDjB/qdY+4Uny9HT0pCGnkqy1DxSZOsGxbE2oOWTag=.sha256

By the way, the fact that Julian Assange is promoting SSB, even if a little bit, is awesome. Really guys, get ready to shake the world and make history.

cc @dominic @mix

@Dominic %P83Q8MnGWP5hEF6p7hYJT1NIXJpODp/cCoYmpgEPU9M=.sha256

Yes this is definitely an exciting milestone.

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@Anders %L2JptVXgp9lKmf+P4vXXqsolqXBAtz96vs5uK617XLQ=.sha256

Maybe, who knows. Probably wouldn't be using his real name if he did :bear:

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