Thanks @mix no worries. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing it!
hey @Cord if you had trouble with the invite codes in Patchbay that's good to know (well not happy, but important to know).
The good news is that if you got invites working in Patchwork then your account is all set up and gossiping, and if you close Patchwork and open Patchbay, then that connectivity will work. Downside is that you might need to wait for some indexes to rebuild each time you move between apps (they have different opinions about what's needed for an app, e.g. Patchbay has an "unread" index for tracking what you've read so far)
Nope, sorry @Matt Lorentz!
I've just not got around to adding it, and likely won't anytime soon.
Is there a way to edit my bio in Patchbay?
I figured as much. (It happens on start & occasionally afterward -- presumably upon attempted refresh?)
Patchbay fills my console with
Error replicating with <hash elided>:
Error: parent stream is closing
at (/home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-server/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:46:28)
at (/home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-server/node_modules/muxrpc/stream.js:116:17)
at /home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-server/node_modules/muxrpc/index.js:46:15
at remoteCall (/home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-server/node_modules/muxrpc/api.js:40:19)
at EventEmitter.obj.(anonymous function) [as createHistoryStream] (/home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-server/node_modules/muxrpc/api.js:25:18)
at replicate (/home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-replicate/legacy.js:291:13)
at EventEmitter.fallback (/home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-replicate/legacy.js:351:7)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:273:13)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:182:13)
at /home/john/code/patchbay/node_modules/ssb-ebt/index.js:129:15
Is this normal? Is it an indication that I'm following a bunch of now-dead pubs/accounts, or people who are blocking me, or something? Does it have something to do with running current patchbay out of a repo checkout in a mangled frankenstenian node environment? Most importantly: does it have anything to do with the tendency for patchbay's UI just to not load at all sometimes?
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