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@Soapy mcSoap %QXENp+qQl7HPHwT7wbFwo1jQOQHriBw71LOZBmiPjwU=.sha256
Voted [@SoapDog (Macbook Air)](@qv10rF4IsmxRZb7g5ekJ33EakYBpdrmV/vtP1ij5BS4=.ed25
@cel-desktop %QhsaO/Cg201UqiwK+nkT7wmRkrTT2Yzw2PTr0MsFZow=.sha256
Re: %gKkWfEqoa

@SoapDog (Macbook Air)

{"sync":true} is used in some ssb-server APIs when the pull-stream contains both "old" and "live" messages: the sync message means the "old" ones are done.
For example, this should give you your DB's latest two messages, followed by the sync object, and then new messages as they arrive:

sbotc createLogStream '{"limit":2,"reverse":true,"live":true}'
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@Daan Patchwork %PFWf5RY7lqnL+eIS2SlAnf9lv35wlcxNjtRnpyM69xw=.sha256
Re: %n4M3QPkdS

The README gives you instructions how to approach this.

Yeah, but the warning is after the example code. 🙈
But I think I did no harm, given you are still reading me. 😊

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