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@dan %1p8gE+Qyh/D7Lunia1EIDzOlE6o2yP23deuO0yXLGKI=.sha256
Voted for the record, this quote from `pull-stream-examples` is what opened my ey
@mikey %kiEjkBSHZN2PhEKh/LGpfKzCQBg5ZJyDpUUxFJ1ou4E=.sha256
Re: %p2UNCp7kQ

for the record, this quote from pull-stream-examples is what opened my eyes to a style of documentation that is informative, accessible, and yet hella subversive. i aspire to write documentation like this, i wish our Scuttlebutt documentation could be this good. :cat:

@Christian Bundy %0NVe1CwNCAEmul3YWCNQDf8f1EdUsV8B/we2AwYHr1I=.sha256
Voted note: pull-streams are harmonious, because they combine a yang api (read_er

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