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@mix %083WwQmJ6Srf03c3QaOtkZIjh4KYZqSFyY1zEcFfHv0=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT

private groups are on the roadmap, but there are other things happening before them (like more reliable and efficient replication, to make joining less scary and slow).

It's possible to make your own private network using your own pubs (or running peers just locally) and running with a key which means they won't share info with anyone else not using that key. This is like running a parallel universe.

Thanks for relaying your friend's message @haileycoop. I was genuinely surprised, and feel kinda sad. I think it's a really good thing to hear. Thanks also @marina for making clear where you're at in terms of inviting your friends.

@matt @mikey @cel @dominic @ev / anyone building clients, I highly recommend reading this thread for direct communication about what really matters to make this a welcoming space.

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