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@aljoscha %2UwS8pstH/ZmPN7caVWJO/3or8ykN5ykbP20klY90po=.sha256
Re: %z28ZLyE7O

@andrestaltz Those are some interesting thoughts. I don't think I will be able to take the time today to do them justice, but here are my most immediate reactions:

Is the following sentence true? "Every sentence that someone says in real life will eventually be recorded and shared to the whole world".

No it isn't. But what about this one: "Every sentence that someone says in real life can be recorded and shared to the whole world"?
That is the situation you have whenever you write data over the network.

As a corollary:

So perhaps "the problem" that you highlighted could be summarized as "the unintended consequences of unforgetable feeds".

I'd rather summarize it as "the inevitable consequences of sharing data over a network without assuming 100% trustworthiness".

To attack a cluster of high trust, you need capabilities that can match it.

There's another kind of attack: isolation. If network connections mostly stay inside clusters, it becomes really easy to create network partitions, whether through attack or everyday network failures.

One lens I'm using when looking at a gossip protocol is how it can deal with eclipse attacks. Trustless solutions are both complicated and resource-intensive, trust can help a lot there.

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