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@dan %3WQwGI+cxxxrxxNJv1wbRDT2+BJFSLqMw10ADB3wHqo=.sha256
Re: %Hl60icjZW

thanks all for the lively contributions.

i have yet to dive into the resources which you have shared, so please feel free to let me know if you think this is covered in those materials, but i haven't seen mention to how far the concept of "media" extends.

For example are laws or philosophies considered media within this framing?

extensions of man that cause deep and lasting changes in him and transform his environment.

@mix I think this is where you hinted you were going in your lightning talk but were limited by


cc: @Linas Dreamy @Mikael Brockman's laptop @SoapDog @luandro @funwhilelost @Borja

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