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@cryptix %57pcmDmJXVJngQbRX9HcN6lr534xgbwNdAtMMM1OBPA=.sha256
Re: %HJTzjmTcr

hey @piet! I saw the PR and am really happy to see this happening since I totally missed this was going on!

re questions

what isLocal?

If I remember the code right, this is about the local network case, i.e. connections coming from local UDP broadcasts.

why do Peers exist as distinct from Routes
peer is mainly useful for blanket-banning any connections to a route

you definitly want to talk with @arj about this. He currently tris to add graph-distance checks to incomming connections. See if you haven't.

could have a priority list by connection type e.g. isLocal, bluetooth, onion, tcp
how do we ban people from connecting to us?

this sounds like the scopes and connections stuff we have been brewing recently. A priority list for this would be really nice!

Prefers peers that haven't had connection errors over ones that have.
Prefers peers that haven't been connected to in the longest amount of time.

I really like this thinking but from my experiences and experiements with ssb-pubmon, I know that pubs can be reeeeally flacky! Some of them just time-out on you even the tcp listener is up and the next day they happily while others are down for ages. What I'm saying is +1 please go forward but try to keep recently working connections higher in the prio than simply pushing back because it didn't work once. Maybe some high cut-off before it's regarded as offline or some kind of tryAgain: [key,pair,list] in the config?

lots of small hermies hearts.gif & hermoji dance.gif

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