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@cel %5boB1JPEk6JX27eL3a00D8PCzNHrJFGY9HocCQKPWlE=.sha256


I got an order of 250 SSB #stickers from Sticker Mule.

Private message me your mailing address and how many / which one(s) you want.



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@Anders %Df5KVPsCyu3wWlREQU2s0HPd9/FZqbrYwvW+/R1Vthg=.sha256
Voted # Stickers! I got an order of 250 SSB #stickers from [Sticker Mule](https:
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@Anders %LWenCEYwwF58tu94CaXxUhByxOylURCpqUIRMd9gQMg=.sha256
Voted sticker mule + mule sauce, I dig it :+1:
@cel %kZxo0SkqKvDuEd8DxD/mbMm2w2ZbXunTzTpMYzj5New=.sha256

Envelopes containing stickers for people who asked for them so far have been posted today.

@Daan Patchwork %e1QjOKdW+XJUpzRm9iyb0WZf0JnhFJFXsO2KGM4+gCI=.sha256

do you post international? I just got a laptop today that is in dire need of some ssb stickers... 😇

@cel %R//kRKC8mKRS33LwHjEyofXbxnrfqWJkBOrQbfkweXQ=.sha256

@Daan yes, international is fine. Just let me know the full mailing address and how many / which one(s) you would like.

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@cel %RQyWQP9viQ+smWS8d8PuQnC64aXBc1Yl5t0nZUlIUBs=.sha256

Mailed another bunch.

There are plenty more, so if anyone else would like some, just ask.


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@Anders %iXdfdvTjdrzj+EcYoTS5XHLZrw4WII6WIM40A7+rkKY=.sha256
Voted Mine arrived today, thanks [@cel](@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u
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@Daan Patchwork %0NZDYK8lkqWHwuTmtH9p9EZ4sBk6wb5DuBfJ9CvVwec=.sha256

A bunch of beautiful SSB stickers on a desk

woop woop you're the best @cel! 😊

@elavoie your place is just outside my government-prescribed perimeter. Either we risk passing these as critical business, or they'll be waiting here for you. I wouldn't want to dead-drop them, they're too beautiful. :D

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@Hendrik Peter %0h+wv7Nt60k7T7qqQHT2/Fa3BA9gQhPmBbUVfDSjVEE=.sha256

I'll happily take some if you still have a few. Will PM my address!

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