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@mix %6WmPCqzaRXB9IqQcYx/QLo/R+IqO62evRYoZxdS3p7c=.sha256

Resourcing tinySSB

The Tiny-SSB project continues. @cft @nanomonkey, @Mix, with a constellation of other lovely humans also joining us (@Nico, @trave, @toomin)

This post is about formalising the drawing of some funds from OpenCollective (ssbc + documentation) to help resource this work. Our current long term project is getting tinySSB to a point where we have an-offline mesh-enabled app that can replace Sched for events like DwebCamp.

We're currently applying for grants, but we're also interested in making sure this work is accessible for all the core people contributing.

Money agreements

Nano to work on:

  • paid hourly rate: $50 USD
  • paid hours per week: upper bound of 10 hours a week
  • working on:
    • participate in meetings
    • documentation
    • workflow / user journey / UX design
  • update when:
    • grants change
    • work changes

Mix + CFT

  • contribute hours - 1/2 a day a week or fortnight
  • (our costs are covered by this being part of / related to other paid work)

If you have any questions or requests, we would love to hear, otherwise we will commence this resourcing plan in about a week. It's something we will revisit on a monthly basis, and you can expect us to be keeping a log of notes about what we've been working on. (we already have a couple months backlog of meeting notes which will be up online in the next week or so)

Finally, if you're interested in this project and would like to contribute in some way, please do sing out!

@mix %f8e6SgjLFl9MLqlhGI4i919EVAt09SXFEcSsJgY1a3E=.sha256

What is tiny-ssb you might ask:

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@ओषधिः %60IjUgTE0We5C2n0imyqpZSW5x/6vq4WnaBUZtjtS78=.sha256

hey @mixmix, I'm interested in the project (seems like an interesting spinoff from all the work that went into ssb) and would like to learn more about what's been done so far and what contributions could be helpful. is there a good way to learn more about it beyond the posts you linked to?

@mix %N3SZVjA6vOKHURNUMZtw01wypQsly5fAFG29seeyEOY=.sha256

@notplants our active coordination is happening on Signal here
We will have some repos up soon which will make clear our meeting notes from the past months too, designs and more.

@nichoth I have a high-paying cryptographic signing related gig, CFT is something like a tenured professor. So we both have some flexibility with our time/money.

@Matt Lorentz (phone) %mZrtJfR4ygLoZXj87mBoibwaTjWlJ40z/XZII90CPVI=.sha256
Voted # Resourcing tinySSB The Tiny-SSB project continues. [@cft](@AiBJDta+4boyh
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