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@Hendrik Peter %Wy4VtYCvHU8yu8HEB6VKgo1cxm70QoFPu4FkXcLxsIc=.sha256

yeah, I can alarm-clock. are you using a room or some pub for comms?

@Hendrik Peter %1wsk6gYmO6+5RDuwKe8jBv2ozPYSF1uzwdlKZeQqZmY=.sha256

I uploaded some graphs of how we were connected. all the blew is "my network", while the red is everything that you have a 3 level deep relation with as seen from my perspective.

Before we followed each other we were related through a 2nd-line relation via (we both follow that pub) and a 3rd line on the (you follow a friend via that follows the pub). then we have a common friend @The Weekly that has done some broadcasting too.

Files are on my webdav:

@Hendrik Peter %gUMEh2OHBSOkuD40rTJpTOyGLHBdZaUtWe5GvE4Sohk=.sha256

(feel free to use them for anything really)

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@Christian Bundy %JyXkk4lkjgSqpr9i5/4gydJhYfOUE5rgluTrqCZ7xaA=.sha256

@martin ➬

I got you. I'll set a timer for 2 hours and 45 minutes.

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@Christian Bundy %6Z78n1aHrC8+9DCi9+SLGQZ+PmMLopaY6QG+ZwJIlTk=.sha256

@martin ➬


Is it in ~30 minutes? I'm on the US West coast and 8:45 was about 30 minute ago. Maybe I'm an hour off?

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@mix %PAnkwLvuJdcfQOaof4Lw56lSkU1f080LdI0iLl6KpWY=.sha256

Sorry, a bit short notice @martin ➬. Hope it went ok

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