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@Hendrik Peter %Wy4VtYCvHU8yu8HEB6VKgo1cxm70QoFPu4FkXcLxsIc=.sha256
Re: %9BCE4YYtm

yeah, I can alarm-clock. are you using a room or some pub for comms?

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@Hendrik Peter %IylWk+lGy7S83SP1L3ykjNBc6LSixaqEh5eMxsj45W8=.sha256

jep, to my understanding Manyverse and Patchwork were the first 2 to implement them (which is awesome I might add)

@isvarahparamahkrsnah %HFwkuofpXiHGUz+s/1gQQuYGq9NT6JNuC3MjqzSjvVg=.sha256

cc @Stephen Judge 🇮🇪 🇪🇺

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