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@SoapDog %AA3JZRROemS37fKj8LU6wlw10CyYZ773BlnJgLxHu74=.sha256
Re: %OrZtPhIz2


it is getting better!!!!

I got NodeJS to work as a host app for Native Messaging. So I can now load stuff!!! Right now, the host app is starting an HTTP server, I may in the future switch that to use extension.getURL() and point it to an internal HTML but for now, this is already useful.

For the moment, I am starting from #minbay because it was the easiest client to remove electron and also to pass through browserify. I plan to bring it closer to #patchbay though, there are many things that I need to replace inside the client. The use of patchapp-threads makes it hard to add your own stuff to the interface but now that nodejs is finally not crashing on me, I can focus on working on the interface side.

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