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@mix %BpcA06QW9y6GNEoKLd20D7FX8T4A+/I4jBBxg0rVMFc=.sha256

Patchbay installers

here's a thread where I'll post up experimental patchbay builds which use scuttle-shell


@mix %6nw13+O2w59bEwh7JqmnLBDz6C/XMET2mMu/efTWaIA=.sha256

Llinux installer


built using

  • builds
  • appImage runs!
  • appImage runs on a fresh linux install
    • :question: needs testing
@Tim Schumacher %//hMkrl/Ruj/yv3vKrVenYXy8S2EiUXhNUubAhfc9Zw=.sha256

This is great news! So I can develop my client and can in paralel run a working client and check stuff back.

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@DavidW %oZHLFAYQ5803cYHHR81A3sFctf3wyGWTqGK9QWGhT2E=.sha256

@mix I installed using the appimage this morning and it seemed to come up fine. I'm not usually running patchbay so I don't have a lot of context on general speed etc but I can definitely see the scuttleshell in my tray when I start patchbay and it closes when I close patchbay

@mix %HbdxqHx527P7BnkSu4hriBvwBsJUS4etXj1ws0Lzpy4=.sha256

hey @Tim Schumacher (work) / @Tim Schumacher it will depend how your initial scuttle-shell is being started - with what config... the current way I'm detecting a scuttle-shell running is to see if ssb-client can connect to an sbot ... but it does this assuming certain config

Note the scuttle-shell I'm running in here is the branch refactor_config which, in which I've modified the config that scuttle-shell is starting with (because patchbay couldn't connect otherwise, and I'm still learning how this connections config works):

Would love to hear about your setup and see if you have an ok time if you're running that branch.

@DavidW thanks for testing this. Out of interest do you do development on linux (this matters because if you are building stuff you probably have some .so files in place which a fresh install might not)

@cel %yIJJPCUaoj13TXBwShoIU/Y6g7AKO9O3txvBsWMMGSA=.sha256
Voted # Patchbay installers here's a thread where I'll post up experimental patc
@Gordon %6JJEYGMVAvibFVaCen3l2gXYRFwPYuUH4S30F8f5Ex8=.sha256

@mixmix - woah, this is awesome =D.

I had to remove my ~/.ssb/config file (which had a bunch of <plugin name>: true lines in it. I dunno how this file got here and if other people would run into this situation, or if it's some artifact of me faffing around with dev stuff?

I lost the errors on my clipboard, but it was something like "ssb-about has already been loaded", "chess-db has already been loaded", etc, and it prevented everything from starting up. I can try and reproduce it by crafting a ~/.ssb/config file if you like? I don't seem to have one now, so I dunno how I got one in the first place...

I forgot that binary versions of patchbay run much quicker than my source version i normally use (i think probably because i'm not on the version of node that compiles sodium using C or something - i seen that mentioned in a thread recently...) so that's a nice side effect too.

Anyway, excited for a day where I'm running a bunch of independent apps off the same scuttle-shell =D

@mix %oK+hn5MwpeJmVduwIARgQcgvI56aUm9aC+M/OHhc+to=.sha256

@happy0 that config file is something you put there ! Yeah it is a good gotcha to know about .. scuttle-shell checks a range of places for custom plugins to run, this is one of them

nah don't worry about reproducing, this would be a known bug.

Yeah I had wondered if it was a bit quicker ... but always hard to know if it's just your imagination.

@DavidW %hXtgWs5jhokPwCS24rzzj4G4sik2MM6A3ntl6Dq6XOY=.sha256

I do development on my machine, yes. Not much node related, but you're right that I have a good number of dev packages installeed

@Tim Schumacher %HXRbbFnn4SRWIlulXgGuuhMSK5/Bug9GC1uJ048WZIc=.sha256

Hello @mix

hey @Tim Schumacher (work) / @Tim Schumacher it will depend how your initial scuttle-shell is being started - with what config... the current way I'm detecting a scuttle-shell running is to see if ssb-client can connect to an sbot ... but it does this assuming certain config

It was a plain master instance with one little patch:

diff --git a/server.js b/server.js
index dbb5081..27512ff 100755
--- a/server.js
+++ b/server.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function start (customConfig, donecb) {
   let ssbAppName = appname || process.env.ssb_appname

   const config = require('ssb-config/inject')(ssbAppName, minimist(conf))
+[0].host = ''
   const keys = ssbKeys.loadOrCreateSync(path.join(config.path, 'secret'))
   if (keys.curve === 'k256') {
     // i think this is _really_ old and could be removed

I needed this because somehow the ssb server listened on my public ip address and other clients could not connect to the server.

Starting patchbay without the external scuttle shell did work and started scuttle-shell juuust fine :wink:

@Gordon %5OHrXba6CJGm/cbzgzLD6OP/mE2K53ElvPCeZLgjUts=.sha256
Voted [@happy0](@RJ09Kfs3neEZPrbpbWVDxkN92x9moe3aPusOMOc4S2I=.ed25519) that confi
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