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@Hendrik Peter %EDfBE6r4HcaKJBTwcpes4nyOWFkYRdmifFl3Dy89SK4=.sha256

Ever since #manyverse for IOS came out I've been noticing a spike in new connections on my pub @PicoPub - (I'm working on bringing a room online).
Decided to make a new export of the SSB network stored on this machince. It looks quite cool!


Tools used:

All images in high quality:

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@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %lAKOSm5+sNUeVLskkOD5i4UUM7xci6TSv1X9vXGArFo=.sha256

That's awesome! Truly looks like an living organism, first thought it was some sort of fish. Any idea of what/who the edges further out are?

@Hendrik Peter %PzReqNyTxeK4SO/j/kODBFZU38yCNKMdXOg8WCLosEg=.sha256

I'll do a write-up in a bit about the meaning of different colours as well as what different edges are doing! (need to finish some meetings IRL ;) )

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@Hendrik Peter %IwZ3DLSLYCq7KiBoFckxYD7qIt1nvvf7/Z5IodeCXk0=.sha256

@elavoie go ahead, you actually @The Weekly actually mentioned them when i came out with the images little over half a year ago ;)

credits for this go to @andrestaltz, as he build the ssb-to-graphml package.

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@Hendrik Peter %zXVTD32XmuyRHy8s0PKHEQxDGFTudoH4E6wnNdpUoSc=.sha256


So I'm writing an article based on the data in my graph. It's still very much a Work in progress (I barely scratched the surface here) but here's a sneak-peak start:

List of mentioned SSB profiles (as nodes)

If your cypher-handle is mentioned here and you don't want me to write about you as a node, then just reach out in a PM and I scrub you from the article!

Again the article is still in writing, I'm currently typing down some of the "edge-cases" (nodes and flocks outside the main inter-connected "blob")

@Hendrik Peter %vp1AXRpkVhBcCB2yfGmQ4aGd8smWxpN0X3mCFizBi9s=.sha256

(that's dat:// sorry)

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@mix %EXuO/x9ilk512ypsZTaL2PdNWgiK0tD6Kb9f0dLyfdQ=.sha256
Voted Ever since #manyverse for IOS came out I've been noticing a spike in new co
@mix %qAHjSuY4iKa8aez72hY8n3GvxmxH2n/Bm+PLoEK+vbQ=.sha256
Voted ![5.jpg](&c0wkAK5fwPBbvIHoo9cJHn1gEAUWAwiem2+/KyLktOY=.sha256) So I'm writ
@mix %TVjWm59cRVM+HhCwCjqCzXK2db1Iu9baRkPu6MJEDN4=.sha256

That's super lovely @Hendrik Peter. I'm seeding your blog now on DAT... heads up, I notice some of the image links are on http servers!

Please let us know when it's ok to share screen-shots from / links to this. Nice read so far

@Hendrik Peter %LDWjZkZg9+DrTFrZszfhkg2iKYpKIyFCBBsSKXtY8Oo=.sha256

Some of the files are sitting on my private NAS. I was mirroring my blog via hashbase and they don't really like 50+mb images.

The photos are free to use, go wild. I'll write the bits and bops about the edges and edge-networks in the graph tomorrow

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@Hendrik Peter %VFwblzaBmSKEBVmps5g5wqZsWZWph/2RJyTN2W319n8=.sha256

My NAS is free and I'd argue decentralized enough. It's mainly just that I write my blog on the go when I'm out of the country, traveling around and such (I'm in Ghana quite often). I don't want to deal with either downloading or having to seed big files from my laptop more than once (and with that having to run to shady stores to get new data cards all the time)

@buoyantair %riBdmPnGXa3zY8topDwxpzqbalXAkGXc1v2MjrP0aKM=.sha256
Voted Ever since #manyverse for IOS came out I've been noticing a spike in new co
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