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@aljoscha %FMOTXfMYxdMUpSiz+HvQB30Z8ZhWqlirPoPFCAKH2ZY=.sha256

Two depictions of the seasonal clock. One shows the light theme, with two of the hours being highlighted. This clock is set to my local position and time zone (Berlin, UTC+2). The other  version uses the dark theme, and shows sun hours and local time for Wellington (UTC+12).

@cinnamon's seasonal clock website went down, so @gwil and I rehosted a shiny new version at

@gwil doubled down on the idea of having an emoji for every hour. And after a few reckless renamings, we arrived there!

The clock now uses a light theme if that's your operating-system-level preference.

And finally, we now have a few parameters that can be set via the URL.

Latitude, longitude and offset to UTC parameters let you create links that always display the clock for a particular location on earth:

Also, you can highlight certain hours based on their name or utc offset:

The repository is hosted at

@aljoscha %4Rsr2MYTqzqD4izyhwXRJ8oavPVRHACuTYCrVt9Hbio=.sha256

CC @epk and @humberto whom I've seen use the original.

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@Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga %9KcxE2zfz4a/mR51BHLovyxdN+OfYbTyTBb8DUp4GDA=.sha256

Thanks @cinnamon @Aljoscha and @gwil. I use the clock as my home tab in firefox. I love that it's a slow clock, and I can see at a glance where I am in the day cycle.

I don't use it much for scheduling, but appreciate it having UTC on it, just in case.

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@aljoscha %ywuWq6A8+BwwD/IBr0GZ5IZsM9BbU50hxdfwqXlBW/U=.sha256

Now works on smaller displays as well.

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@aljoscha %xv1yfuhPvi+PJgD8xmSAhOXCetgi1jPhMhoBE3aJSa8=.sha256

@andrestaltz The Internet has you covered:

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@andrestaltz %qkGrmocNSmUu85JQvCQ5AYmH8fNxIUcNOh3ocS1BT40=.sha256

@Giarc I got it that it looks too much like 1 and 0, but I think as a convention you know that the left-hand side is always a letter, so that should remove the confusion. If it still looks too much like like 0:00, then could change the separator symbol to reinforce the idea that it's a new convention, like H+30, I+30, O+30.

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