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@andrestaltz %HxLmGMXwKweEE8Gf3IevgejKplsLLIqP49pHW9LafiI=.sha256
Re: %z28ZLyE7O


"Every sentence that someone says in real life can be recorded and shared to the whole world"?

Good point, this sentence is roughly false in the social realm, but true in the technical realm. I think in that case we just attribute it to computers having perfect recall memory, whereas people have non-persistent memory. Two caveats though, one caveat that favors the equivalence social-technical, and another caveat that disfavors Scuttlebutt. (1) Every sentence someones says in real life could be recorded with hidden recorders (although these are also technology, strictly speaking). (2) sentences in Scuttlebutt are cryptographically signed, whereas real world conversations are not (or are they? Physically seeing a friend speak is a "signature" for their sentences). Anyway, lots of caveats of caveats to unfold here.

On isolation and network partitions, it's a problem or it's a feature, depending who you're talking to. So it's a social thing more than it is a technological thing.

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