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@Anders %Ip1r7r75sd786Jpqob+cCNEwaR+ReN6unTrQYoedWkU=.sha256
Re: %mvLpJthmK

I find the blob management proposal great and I think it fits nicely into where we are now.

I also find meta documentation worth supporting. I also think it would be an interesting experiment to see what happens if we add some more structure. I think it could be a very good thing for finding out what is going on in the project and make it easier for people (both new and old), but I should caution that this could have the negative effect of making things maybe feel a bit more like work.

Reading the Rpi got be quite excited. There is already a great discussion going on. Having something that makes it really easy to turn a rpi into a scuttle pub is great and I also really like the educational aspect.

I don't have any opinion on the last two proposals. Sorry.

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