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@cryptix %OTM1N+wjCv7E7dkQg0d5pLTw+XC1i7VKTkpwGF0jrpk=.sha256
Re: %jBe2JUOdj

but also a little cumbersome.
I'f be keen for hermes to always be on.

@mix: Yes but I fear we have to make some medium term cut backs. when I looked into this last time, I got the impression that muxrpc can't change it's manifest at runtime ( %d5LMs6b... ). For plugins this means they have to be loaded during sbot server startup. The only real blocker for this I see currently is the module that patchwork loads out of it's own tree, not ouside of the user defined ones like .ssb/node_modules. Unless that is changed you always need to start patchwork first and everything else after.

Disowning the scuttle-shell process from electron must be done regardless. Butt I think the propper way forward would be to have real native packages brew install .. and better service integration (like systemd on linux) to have the shell spawned when you open your user session.

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