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@Christian Bundy %SI44mX0zQS+HRaEnNjUI5t9uKWRCFsQSCvYTyDsH30c=.sha256
Re: %yT4SaZfvL


At this point I'm leaning toward scrapping my implementation and use something with GFM as a base. I'd love to specify both the media type and variant metadata, but I don't have the time or funds to support that work. I'd also love to support multiple Markdown variants, but I think that work depends on us including the above metadata for how it should be parsed.


Is your remark implementation a drop-in solution that we could use instead? I understand that you have some React-specific code, but the previous ssb-markdown is outdated and the current ssb-markdown is the wrong Markdown variant. I'm wondering whether your implementation might be the best option we have. What do you think?

As far as I'm aware, the expectation is:

  • GFM
  • emoji shortcodes
  • block() method
    • hashtags
    • auto-linked sigil links
    • auto linked @mentions from msg.value.content.mentions
    • auto-linked images (I'd love to drop this)
    • audio/video like ![audio:description](&...)
  • inline() method (for message previews)
    • newline removed
    • links removed
    • images removed
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