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@Christian Bundy %XZt/hC5ldkZufqO/nEOG7ZmJ5LRdPu+kXCbqSQrM/8c=.sha256

Is this cyberspace?

Cyberspace is widespread, interconnected digital technology.

Most of my time in the digital world has been spent in cyberspace, but when thinking about distributed technologies I'm not sure that it really follows the conventional shared definition of "cyberspace". For example, when I'm browsing Patchwork it sure feels like cyberspace, but when I'm offline it really isn't widespread or interconnected. Is there a word for this?

For example, I've been trying to self-host more software and I've been building up what feels like an instance of cyberspace, but that sounds like a contradiction in terms. Intracyberspace? There has to be a better name for this.

cc: @dan potentially an aside, but I've noticed that you use the term "cypherspace" -- have you defined that anywhere?

@Dominic %HUZ2bNwQBUCg3YAC9YsaN7opM0zMwMSLfm/KGr8EiI0=.sha256

"cyber" comes from the greek word for the helmsman of a ship - it means to steer. As in "cybernetics" it's all about signals. Cyberspace is the space created by connecting devices together and sending signals to each other.

"cipher" or "cypher" comes from an arabic word for zero or to calculate, especially to encode. So cypherspace is the space created by algorithms (another Arabic word). cypherspace is more abstract than cyberspace. cyberspace is more directly died to the wary giants of flesh and steel which dominate the physical world, as the signals travel down wires, although packet switching allows them to route around damage. Cypherspace decouples from the physical world by another layer. Via content addressing (hashes) we directly refer to data in a way that allows us to route-around-damage a step more than mere packet-switching. In packet-switching, the end points must still be secure, but with content addressing the end points just had to be secure at the time they published.

Cypherspace is another world, a higher level of abstraction accessed through cyberspace, infinitely more vast.

@ev %BRbx7fJpN/sHSq9yfi9OlUtrdgh/SU5zQKuxkXFYU/w=.sha256

@Christian Bundy --> "Why isn't Patchwork called Cyphernet?"

@cel %VjeOf18DHuMTJlOkduAzTizcm8zaNGUawMuw4YP1x58=.sha256
Voted "cyber" comes from the greek word for the helmsman of a ship - it means to
@dan %RQTveuYrYg+HGzZ0NTBZCRTdQP+SThsK7FNoEAAVylU=.sha256
Voted # Is this cyberspace? > [**Cyberspace**](
@dan %4UqdwGc92ccoAd8f/Cq+5qB7ZjGgtvKcs9zpANNKpx0=.sha256
Voted "cyber" comes from the greek word for the helmsman of a ship - it means to
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@cryptix %MyPh/8HiwcwXvmSXdDR3Nx+rrmXK5P2jSLJ5eN9Nh74=.sha256
Voted # Is this cyberspace? > [**Cyberspace**](
@cryptix %b0DaKIiv3/z7LTBA/CTwhlCDpkpfTPFMEA1K393/kgI=.sha256
Voted "cyber" comes from the greek word for the helmsman of a ship - it means to
@dan %LlXKBsXROtynnqy5UgLrJyfiBxcZ+HwBkWAvdEmY7Rg=.sha256

@christianbundy i like cypherspace as it is appealing rolling across my synaptic pathways. + what dominic said :-D

@Christian Bundy %K9CDyEjD3tfwjvUwDaW7PQqjS3L64RHPmlarryNcM8c=.sha256
Voted [@christianbundy](@+oaWWDs8g73EZFUMfW37R/ULtFEjwKN/DczvdYihjbU=.ed25519) i
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