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@Planetary (old account) %XquAT3Pvo7gKc32DPCL+FyeKchcxm8pt3ge9RYfa36k=.sha256
Re: %TODxeCHVl



I want to thank everybody who works on this and has worked on it. @amandabee, Tom Coates, Christoph Moskalonek, @Christian Bundy, @cryptix, @Sebastian Heit, @Martin, @Kris have all poured immense energy into this project. The protocol Planetary is based in, Secure Scuttlebutt was started by @Dominic
and has had hundreds of contributors around the world. Without them we wouldn’t be here today. Beyond just SSB, our work exists within a much larger ecosystem of work on the decentralized web and we want to thank the Internet Archive, Mozilla, and Aspiration Tech for their indispensable work in support of this space. The Center for Civic Media at the MIT Media Lab was kind enough to include me as a researcher and that work has shaped the design and vision of planetary, I’m boundlessly grateful to Sasha Costanza-Chock and Ethan Zuckerman for their work and support. Without the support and encouragement of our investors, James, Roy, and Minn at Bloomberg Beta, Chris at Fuel Capital, Kent at Upside, Consensus Coven, Erik and Niraj at Kilowatt, Balaji, Blaine Cook, Biz Stone, and many others, we wouldn’t have been able to get this far.

We make the road by walking; join us in the journey.

Planetary 6.jpeg

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