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@SoapDog %Z7yTmaia3qY66agx5zVU68hq0IOPT9bD6CXWeCDQpCk=.sha256


from clockworkpi

@SoapDog %xjqzs9itvzP5bte4FKRvv4GLOtB/b1avPHQlBVJGM70=.sha256

via @Murilo Polese @Murilo 2.

This is looking awesome.

@Hendrik Peter %yehNt3bYbHXKs3L4prO7Y1v28yV2caP20uk1nvrs4ns=.sha256

This things looks incredibly pretty, thanks for sharing!

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@Christian Bundy %9IyUs6Y7h9uTrZcuq8JkFfOJKWruG/Zb2h1l7t+hs+U=.sha256


I'm in love, but confused by a few things:

  • thermal printer?!?!?
  • non-ortholinear keyboard :(

otherwise, absolutely love it

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@mix.exe %HEjTaH+s35NZNzISx2yb4RPnm/bKGr6YVlhZxoYRB7I=.sha256

that mini keyboard looks like RSI to me. I reckon the GameShell with a couple of pokemon ROMs would be fun 001.bulbasaur.gif


@Christian Bundy %L2udYxZmR9uHBpDnEv6IuwuN9i5TbmGbbyYkW6qKytU=.sha256


that mini keyboard looks like RSI to me

big +1, my fingers can't do that kinda stuff anymore

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@mix.exe %Zy5g8M40c/Y+UQWPeoW1fxUCo7wrZ7gQSg29IykDdCs=.sha256
Voted [@mix.exe](@DIoOBMaI1f0mJg+5tUzZ7vgzCeeHh8+zGta4pOjc+k0=.ed25519) > that
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