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@Christian Bundy %cDGXLOvaW6VowxvYMz/9bZ6Qk0iCWRowXx12YnSjE68=.sha256
Re: %jBe2JUOdj

@zero @Avinash

Yeah, the Error { notFound: true, status: 404 } is bubbling up from the level-errors module, and I think it's caused by this.


Here's what happens when I try to start on Arch Linux:

$ ./patchbay-linux-7.15.2-scuttle-shell-x86_64.AppImage
STARTING electron
LOADING config
> scuttle-shell: starting
started sbot server v13.0.3
ssb-friends: stream legacy api used
/tmp/.mount_patchbDCQBag/systrayhelper: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
scuttle-shell got exit: { code: 127, signal: null }
Error { notFound: true, status: 404 }

I was able to resolve the bug with pacman -S libdbusmenu-gtk3, so at least it's an obvious fix. I don't have a systray (GNOME Shell) but Patchbay seemed normal after clicking around a bit. I can test more extensively later.

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