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@cel %fbkx5pY7oDRQCOa8pAbRhB9+tqZ4Al7aytCKzb72mjw=.sha256

ssb-npm v2.0.1

name version npm git
#ssb-npm-registry 2.1.0 %B/u1VGW... %fMv+4cn...
#ssb-npm 2.0.1 %/hNT8vX... %mdjzNSH...


ssb-npm install -g ssb-npm --branch %/hNT8vXLGN9IoVUwLdSbw/9UgKjFI0AOnlQl/0129Tw=.sha256


This script &vK+DwSJ... installs ssb-npm v2.0.1 globally via npm:

curl 'http://localhost:8989/blobs/get/&vK+DwSJFd5w2npQtJsxijLaSLBTy9zxlb8o25iTTIiw=.sha256' | sh


  • Added output if messages or blobs take longer than one minute to download. Change the time duration using environmental variable WANT_WARN_TIME (in milliseconds; negative number to disable).
  • Hard-coded workaround for sodium-native v2.4.6 to not require fetching over-sized blobs [%Y3UAKxD...].
  • ssb-npm-registry will no longer produce links to http://localhost:8989/ for tarballs. It will fetch blobs only via its own server, ssb-ws compatibility layer (/-/blobs/get/ and /-/msg/).

Previous: %AsmvhKp...

@Anders %vp/2AvkjQmvJCAMHxUbDuxZmo6P5LZK2udNtt3h3y9w=.sha256
Voted # ssb-npm v2.0.1 name|version|npm|git -|-|-|- #ssb-npm-registry|2.1.0|%B/u
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@Soapy mcSoap %iIuRBDzKpPcpcDdz4yJBpR4KOtp3kBE7QDC5aOmIurM=.sha256

@cel this worked flawlessly on my macbook. I will also try on windows 😸 thanks a ton for the hard work on bootstrapping.

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