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@Matt Lorentz (phone) %OUlGzFXyqD6EjEPnUygJ2bmpM4M9I5eaizbgfFQFYv0=.sha256

Congratulations on the release! The range-based set reconciliation sounds like a triumph. Is this the first place it has been implemented in “production”?

@Soapy mcSoap %RMKtajgiXmaRjUMOCyy0nucOr1nkAWxIcjfCEPPyEjI=.sha256

This is awesome news, @gwil :D :D :D

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@The System %bnI6cLfabxeisc7QTFBx/ioO1C3xtVMeQShinCzTxTE=.sha256

E: Sounds awesome! I definitely want to try playing around with it at some point. Seems like a really useful tool

@Rabble %0j7nnFurixMs1vyBTuSOktAXAampN13UrGTnLjROqOY=.sha256
Voted # Earthstar v10 - a butt-first announcement ![An illustration of three peo
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