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@Icedog %hLhVJIz6pOqK1MkpDQ0gnzOxgS+1jG65L5InMyqSSF0=.sha256

I don’t understand why but some bots/users comeback to my feed even after my ban for them :(

Не понимаю каких-то работает, в ленте появлялись каналы читать которые я не собирался и они засоряют мою ленту, я их блокирую а они поваляются вновь. Магия..
Чаще всего это rss боты на подобии этого:


@Matt Lorentz (phone) %pTfYs7Fl2aQINqQBhN9DbaKMQAoPzWK2k9Nh77itho4=.sha256

Icedog this sounds like a bug in Planetary. Are you using the “Block this user” option from the ellipsis menu to ban them?

@Icedog %LWpDC7Pjo2CpXh+wp1mdvHVsgmaXU5XF7o5e/1gwq88=.sha256

Matt Lorentz (planetary) yep, but I am not sure that every time it was a same bot. May be it was many bots with same rss..

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@Rabble %1dDk+EPpbDXK+3pzuVgBH5JMNNXTIwqq2Tf/1I7qbwk=.sha256

It's supposed to remove the messages when you block them, if it doesn't then that's a bug on our end.

@Rabble %PoG15y4I0C/lj+utYn1fgiZRSKPSCjpdtUDPzlChO5o=.sha256

It’s supposed to remove the messages but there is a bug.

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