UI concept: message index navigator
The idea of this application is to enable visualizing and navigating through ssb-server's message indexes.
The three-letter terms on the top header are the names of indexes. On the left are listed the 8 indexes from the ssb-query module (not including one which is redundant), and on the right are the 3 indexes of the ssb-backlinks module. One index on each side is active and is shown in bold. Clicking one of those links sets that index as the active one for its respective side, and updates the list of links beneath. Mousing over each link gives a tooltip for what message properties that index uses. An index name may be shown without a link if it is not valid for the active message.
One message is active and and is shown in the center, in JSON. Clicking one of the message ids in it makes that id the active message.
The leftmost column of links are the messages in the selected ssb-query index, centered on the active message. Clicking one of those makes it the active message and re-centers the list of links.
The column to the right of the active message is a list of the link destination ids in the current message as detected by ssb-backlinks, one of which may be selected. Clicking one makes it the selected link destination, which updates the rightmost column.
The rightmost column of links are the messages in the selected ssb-backlinks index for the selected link destination. Clicking one of the links in this column makes it the active message and re-centers the list.
Source: idx.js
Dependency: ssb-exec