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@SoapDog %qEogCjHakADXpLdhOfU2EBFUP6cikKS32YUfL2SeBAY=.sha256

Friends, I am running ssb-server 14.0.4 and I think I may be facing instability. Is this a good version to run? I've heard that people are using earlier versions, what are you fine people using?

@Christian Bundy %hb9FK67ShRSv8ZbqNIQkrB3sNXFVkLA7vcVf3w2uqw8=.sha256


If you can, I'd upgrade to 14.1.6. What sort of instability are you facing? I know that @ev and @regular (and maybe @jfr?) run a version from ~6 months ago, but I wouldn't personally recommend it.

@SoapDog %23j4SlLiccGatGPpuhHFtRZGieeez4Wa6WoZEp4i644=.sha256

@ChristianBundy, just upgraded to that version and am trying it out. So far it is working even though I get a ton of deprecation errors when I start it:

PS C:\Users\andre\scoop\apps\alacritty\current> ssb-server start
ssb-server 14.1.6 C:\Users\andre\.ssb logging.level:notice
my key ID: <just my public key>
WARNING-DEPRECATION: ssb-links not installed as a plugin. If you are using git-ssb, ssb-npm or patc
hfoo please consider installing it
ssb-friends: stream legacy api used
[npm-registry] Listening on (indexes:0%)
Trace: deprecated api used: ssb-ref.parseAddress.. (indexes:57.0%)
    at Object.parseAddress (C:\Users\andre\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\ssb-server\nod
    at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\Users\andre\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\ssb-server\plug
    at Socket.emit (events.js:189:13)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\Users\andre\scoop\persist\nodejs-lts\bin\node_modules\ssb-server\node
    at Socket.emit (events.js:189:13)
    at UDP.onMessage [as onmessage] (dgram.js:628:8)
************************************************** (ebt:99.8%)

The instabilities I was facing were more of a feeling of strangeness where my ssb-server would spend too long without peering or I would spend too long without seeing new messages. Sometimes it would do hard crashes when viewing some message, or trying to retrieve something. It was a bid odd. It still worked, I just felt I couldn't trust it very much.

Thanks very much for pointing me to that version. I also look forward to trying the rust and go stuff too.

@jfr %NF22Mf4tQvJ971JN/DG5titBHJBZ7SdGEtqn8+kmDNw=.sha256

hey @SoapDog @regular and I are running ~11.3 because we ran into some issues, but I haven't checked back in a while. I wish there was an LTS though!

@SoapDog %pySdol55qIVcsDhefwwGEDhZ9IPW9MhXSgyk4lALkus=.sha256

@jfr thanks a lot, I will write that version number down and in case this one doesn't work for me, I will downgrade to the one you mention.

@ev %eOgLGLX9Hy1oKqDagYTp+Uf1hn8oBX1Ik58r0bWeVSI=.sha256

@SoapDog Here's the link to install instructions for the version I'm using, put together by @regular: %qkVXgkS...

It's very stable, but it has the private messages leaking over ssb-ws to friends bug -- so I can't currently recommend it.

I forked 11.4.3 clumsily into it's own repo, which i'm using to muck about and hopefully learn some things:

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