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@mix %r19uEeDNDXXYQ5M4DSEb477ekEMNE0xsYFlB/1w0B6c=.sha256
Re: %Obr4EWivw

UPDATE - that last video was broken on youtube, also I've got part 2 !

Intro to Mutant (Part 1) - introduces observeables with Value, and when. Make a part of the page toggle dynamically

Intro to Mutant (Part 2) - introduces computed which takes in multiple observeables and makes a new observeable, and Struct (kind a like an observeable object with pre-defined keys). I focus a bit of refactoring and moving code around to give you an idea of what's possible. (@matt suggestions for cleaner patterns are welcome)

#mutant #patchbay

@Anders %hOPDxWsetT/cAUsGuL5je1+NvgvaWnsEMQTMId5QkyQ=.sha256

Watched this today. Great stuff! Maybe @matt can add them to the mutant so its easier for people getting started.

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