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@ev %r37RQQ0E0pFJX/g9r7OIGxi0hwzup6oonkEdksbyEJA=.sha256
Re: %FKm5Kz1BN

There's a lot to unpack here, and I have limited time because I have to go to work tonight. Let me answer a few things below, but obviously this just touches on the surface.

The thing you should notice @ev is that it's you against the world. We haven't forced anyone into agreeing with us, but where are the people chipping in to support your side? - @dominic

I think it's a bit much to say that it is me against the world. The entire world is not on ssb, and the biggest community here is Enspiral. So it is me vs the biggest community on ssb, and I'll acknowledge that.

Anyway, if you want us to appologise... okay, but what are you gonna appologise for? @dominic

Can you list a specific thing (or things) that I've done that you want me to apologize for?

"Perhaps you could give her a reason why her proposal was rejected." (I gave several reasons, just go look up the thread). - @andre

The message is here: %avZKJL+...

You said: "The proposal was adjourned on the basis of vague purpose and plan. I recommend resubmitting next round (which is not far from now), improving on the topics exposed."

gb clarified her plan and asked you to reconsider, or give her a clear and specific reason why her proposal was adjourned.

At that point @mix threatened her with 'losing a bunch of friends and support': %hzwDcQx...

That is what I'm asking mix to apologize for.

I also continue to ask that the ssbc developers who swore at me would apologize for their bad behavior.

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