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@andrestaltz %avZKJL+AGmcntHj353hqcvEY4f1mHjdGRP2lt8DiRTM=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO


Message: %8XJjpUn...

In purpose: Enables new ways for interaction within Scuttlebutt, which we need to open up minds beyond the typical post/vote/reply. On the other hand, listings and updates can in reality be accomplished with simple threads, the mutability would simply be a better UI or view of that data. The 'why' was mentioned as "scratching my own itch" which is not community-first in purpose, and the idea was presented too vaguely as to make it hard to assess its purpose. Suggestion how to improve in purpose: look for another common use case that the community needs which they currently use threads for, but which would benefit more from custom-built mvd-based methods. It may or may not be a listings use case, but make it community-first.

In trustworthiness: The proposer is a long-time community member. However, the month work plan is simply "work daily", there is no (e.g.) draft of a list of milestones or the obstacles that need to be overcome. The proposal also is meant to use the mutable messages project, which is currently not ready (and the last update from ev on the dev diary was 2 weeks ago). The proposal got good votes from the community (@teq, @happy0 which also noted that this proposal is too broad in scope, @arj, @mix, and no non-votes). Suggestion how to improve in trustworthiness: make a clear plan with milestones; if the proposal is mostly UI then show some design sketches; prefer to build on top of existing stable tools, not ones in flux like mvd; do some background investigation and list some references/links in the proposal.

The proposal was adjourned on the basis of vague purpose and plan. I recommend resubmitting next round (which is not far from now), improving on the topics exposed.

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