Hey there!
I'm really not new here and actually meant to introduce myself to the #new-people for quite some time but as you may or may not already know, that meant to do X is a recurring theme of my being.
The tl;dr here might be: If you think procrastination is laziness, you won't believe the remorse and despair that comes with it. I wrote this to share some of my personal frustrations with myself so that others might get a better understand of what is going on with that quiet dude over there?!. Some of these waters are even deeper but this is as deep as I'm okay with in public at this point.
I entered this space around may 2015, after meeting Paul and Dominic at DTN in Berlin. It was an interesting experience and I really grokked the vibe and spirit of the project back then as I do today. Back then it was still patchwork-classic and much much quieter, to the point where I could easily drain the firehose stream. Today it is different, definitely louder but I still feel the general vibe even though some people I admire left.
To give you some more background of where I'm coming from: I started studying comp-sci and engineering nearly 10 years ago. I was fascinated with computers even as a Child. Games lost their place to website design and server administration for our counter-stike clan which in turn lost its place to programming in python, later C, and always deeper the rabbit hole goes, to the point where I swallowed K&R and Art of Exploitation even before I started studying at the University. Sooo..? you might think: well... I just now completed my bachelor thesis - which is supposed to just take 6 semester, mind you. I fell into quite a dark hole in the beginning, had trouble with anxiety attacks during exams even though I understood and mastered the material and thus accumulated a backlog of failed attempts which I had to chew through slowly. This also forced me into doing part-time work since you only get federal financial support for the regular time, afterwards you are on your own. I know this is laughable compared to student dept in the US but it definitely changed the dynamics of my motivation to complete my degree even more. I had a new exciting job to focus on and studying moved further into the background, priority-wise.
On the other hand, this was also the time that shaped my political perspectives. I got involved in the self-governed Cafe on the campus and made new friends with which I shared a sense of how bent and plain crazy life on this planet has become, societal and ecological. I also got to know @keks. We soon found out our mutual interests in UNIX-like OSes and doing what FB does without a corporate entity which siphons money and intelligence of their users. He also dragged me my first introduced me to the chaos computer club congress 26c3, which was still in berlin at that time and we ported secret-handshake to golang together, making a first working protoype during squatconf.
When I finally came to the point where I finished the required exams and could write the final thesis, I made two bad decisions: I created my own topic which I found interesting but had only vague understanding of (implementing a active noise-cancelling system on an FPGA) and picked a supervisor that did the madscience work but was really bad at guiding. I was left on my own and invested a lot of time into small pieces without ever constructing a bigger picture of how it was all supposed to fit together. The end of that story was, that after around a year of work on all this (technically the deadline for these is 9 weeks but it is common at this uni to do all the preparation/coding/experiments/measurements beforehand and register your thesis and do the writing once you have your results) my supervisor said oh btw, my contract here ends in a month and the professor is going into retirement. So you either finish your thesis by then or find a new institute that likes to adopt your topic. I was no where near completion at that point, not even started to document anything and still in the phase of making proof-of-concept-ish modules. Additionally: Even though it is an univeristy of technology, the comp-sci department is a niche there and signal processing done in an esoteric hardware description language was not something that other institutes were interested in. So I gave up and stopped working on it - I didn't even extracted and document the high precision filters I designed, which surely could be used for other stuff.
snip part1 - 8k limit