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@mix %sTBz/Das2eGjTSURY8ffG0jp2Bvj9zLPPIkQ2GtWTqo=.sha256

Today @Ziva used "managing expectations" on me.

We have a pattern where when we're getting ready to change modes (e.g. leave for kindergarten) we tell her ahead of time a couple of time "ziva we're going to leave for kindergarten in 15 mins", "hey ziva we're leaving in 5 mins". This help because toddlers can get really involved in what they're doing and trying to yank them into some plan you've just dropped on them can be pretty jarring and tends to result in power struggles.

Anyway today was Ziva's 3rd day at a local Montessori kindergarten, and she was little clingy, so I sat with her on the matt while they read a story to the kids. At one point Ziva turns to me and whispers "Dad you're going to go home in 5 minutes". Then in couple of minutes: "It's time to go home dad".

It was so sweet, and also so masterfully executed. So proud :sunflower:

@mix %FIBQ+nDdMJXHZZTE2v9W2hj6/w2845a0UHrI4yfcOV0=.sha256

cc @bob

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@cryPhone📱 %DqiWqmkdYuYcLoyL98LJLdqj4AIZraP8E2l6fjbn7v8=.sha256
Voted Today [@Ziva](@3Fz4pnmk8TK/pzKqy/cVj9QaBHiFJ74fNgmJ0KTvDN4=.ed25519) used "
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@mix %VOjsPyuZpdYv+ccCKZMUFP+lbZDzfkHLr4wEsKzd+Dw=.sha256
Voted In a sense, little reflections of ourselves. Also, I suspect, wonderfully f
@mix %jobdyIwLLEN1R7iC6jr34ulZhrrr0IUj5xR/IGlGbBQ=.sha256
Voted I love this pattern, it's so fair and because of that it makes everything s
@mix %YCYTCh59MELmAwQ5bUxRKmXII+Z+Tcc/2/i7CPmpK00=.sha256
Voted [@gwil](@PEqxT8YRvrkf2fyjAgTl8pmdo8aR4KVsKLyh0b5JyOE=.ed25519) [@mixmix](@y
@ansuz %qRu8dCBtYxrLozlJdVkE1ZPopfS32j0dDP9nIbaoBMA=.sha256
Voted Today [@Ziva](@3Fz4pnmk8TK/pzKqy/cVj9QaBHiFJ74fNgmJ0KTvDN4=.ed25519) used "
@Rabble %EghzYPwc9VmnBtXXvt3oJ4RYzE5eAcNrtFTfIg/DHls=.sha256
Voted Today [@Ziva](@3Fz4pnmk8TK/pzKqy/cVj9QaBHiFJ74fNgmJ0KTvDN4=.ed25519) used "
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