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@cryptix %tAwWecibVDjCMBu113TriVlrEV59U1xyXnwybRB/3Hc=.sha256
Re: %WS8k0+hN1

yup! I'm also pretty happy on the progress we are making now. small things to add:

new github org

we moved all the related code to after considering @dominics comment %IV6/jqs.... We are happy to move any or all of them to to ssbc but didn't really know where to draw the line between pull-stream-ish libraries and the actual ssb code.

We kept the #golang vanity import paths (now go.cryptoscope.go/muxrpc for instance) to later change the location of the repos but I felt an urge to have CI and an approachable issue tracker (i.e. you don't have to be (close) friends with me for me to see it).

the gossip code doesn't have any friend graphing yet

while our go sbot can now talk to other peers and sync, it doesn't care yet to whom it talks. I'm very much with @mix re %z28ZLyE.... I want the friend distance check to be considerd when peers are dialed and also respectful about which feeds they sync. I'll closly study %FOyO23x... for this.

apart from that the code is still messy and buggy, it has overhead in network and disk-usage and also might deadlock connections. I only use it to talk to other peers on my local network, I really don't advertise you use it to replace your pub yet.

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