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@Dominic %wNUelVkBH1wtvfgeiojFqP2QHTikIR2ZYqvypWMmEdY=.sha256

secure-scuttlebutt@18.0.0, scuttlebot@11.3.0

ssb now has decrypted-indexes
see also the PR. This does not mean that messages are stored decrypted, but that they are passed to indexes decrypted. To access a decrypted message, most sbot messages now support a private: true option, that is not allowed on methods exposed to peers.

This clears the way for private-groups, which I intend to start on once user-invites is ready.

This also means that things like likes, follows, and blocks, can now be optionally private! and that support for this will require minimal changes to UIs!

/cc @matt

@mmckegg %Kz67taD/r/2e256G+7pJVDjjIK4IOp8ivJn3d1SJfPU=.sha256

Awesome! Hopefully next week I'll spend some time fixing up ssb-about, ssb-private and ssb-backlinks to take advantage of this! And maybe look at adding the option to do a few things in Patchwork privately (such as nicknames).

@dan %/TamxVmgKOIGz3s/pVGkWXOzuZdB80XUhq3WHSOTgJg=.sha256

Patchwork privately (such as nicknames)

Reckon private should be the default unless someone manually elects to have open nickname tagging (i.e. public disclosure of their assigned tags)

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@Anders %n71KXMdjdXneTErpgNdhoO1hvq6fQxQwW8gKi0LIOXM=.sha256


I'm having a look at how the unboxing was done to learn some more about flume indexes and hopefully gain some more performance. Hopefully that will make it easier for you @matt so you can focus more on the UI side.

@mix %X9WlsyQYUrPJQSVi84qIrPqWsvjB8EtPBcjOUUBuW9Q=.sha256

well done !

I'd like to have a go at upgrading scuttlebot in Patchbay + Ticktack. There was some horrid problem in muxrpc 7, which was pulled in by scuttlebot... any updates on that.
cc @matt

@mmckegg %W9DstOmKQ9Z8b7dTk9OuboeTqndBR1G86fOonj1XFbs=.sha256


Everything seems fine now. I'm running the (almost) latest version of sbot with no pinned deps and no problems (just make sure you find the pinned deps in your package.json and remove them)

@Anders %a3togkqv6gVl+CoYGHP3km0wiNLf+PwnLbFBV8aUd14=.sha256

Created PRs for ssb-private and ssb-backlinks :rocket:

@Dominic %k+/FNIbPn4u0q+9MigTJ7PWCKB1p0y/XiAyha/6hnFE=.sha256

@mix we downgraded muxrpc back to 6.4.0

@mix %tyNfWQ7/tggMyMVpQtn9Wp+snNt15yOYT9WQ3pAx0I0=.sha256

I was gonna say - Patchworks mucrpc is at 6.4 in the package-lock.
Keen to see ebt running

@Anders %fdvgXjv9metaoy8ZBnVuMuRg4qtPy7XsBXqKkNqTdrQ=.sha256

I pushed a new version of ssb-backlinks and ssb-private to github, but can't publish them to npm as I don't have permission. Please note these depend on scuttlebot 11.3.

@mmckegg %R/3krsZ7r9XIVQkW+DgjzX8BxpC9lESpkc7aG+SE544=.sha256


Hmm, if these depend on scuttlebot 11.3, shouldn't these be breaking (major) bumps?

@Anders %7KtpVkst+DZmia6iTbg1NLTAEIWjcAuHF9m0TXtiwp8=.sha256

I was thinking that as well, but then again the plugins are very loosly coupled to main sbot. The thing is that the changes aren't really a major change in the module per se as it should do exactly the same thing just simpler. But please feel free to bump the versions when they are pushed to npm.

@mmckegg %PxoSRYYBMbHStgEyAeYrnwMnGWhaEb+u7tApkLBBQxM=.sha256


It would break older versions of patchwork and patchbay if installed via git tags (if we weren't using package-lock) since these bundle their own sbot. But otherwise not a huge deal.

I would strongly recommend bumping minor at least (since most of these are 0.x.x, this will stop them from being pulled in).

@Anders %k60Ai0bhwz9Nm4idqtn4fNWoyB1PPNZneFiWNmEAlpc=.sha256

Right, fixed. Thanks!

@mmckegg %dl37LULi5euwUzEGk89LMlZX61DqAjNzy4JwRzDvH2Y=.sha256


I pushed a new version of ssb-backlinks and ssb-private to github, but can't publish them to npm as I don't have permissio

Oh, you should probably be added to

Or is there a better solution now @Mikey? I seem to recall something about an npm org.

@mikey %oujAKahD7XPTDAyikBLwq1TlDIZjW8IIRziOtau90yw=.sha256

Or is there a better solution now @Mikey? I seem to recall something about an npm org.

@matt yes! ssbc npm org. if you have any packages, add them here. :sparkles:

@mmckegg %+dE3i3xQ4tj3F5aFV18vmZjxdX14DD1CpESuIme3KTU=.sha256

@Mikey @arj

Cool, I added:

  • ssb-backlinks
  • ssb-about
  • ssb-private
  • patchcore
@Anders %7mWMvy+K0TXd41XcquQhOafVnS9M1vpQZ7TQcxqkDwQ=.sha256


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