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@mix %wbgCQ0ru69ujNE812xXwJaLp2WEXE2bDBeDZBBdSEY8=.sha256

Here's a snapshot of the #scuttlebutt network from my point of view.
Each pink dot is a user account. This is the scuttlebutt network within 3 hops of me. The lines highlighted are my friendships and the lighted ones are my friends friends.


This image above is made with : / ssb://%hNm67sfnZFtWkD/+1qxH3UfzhXykfpKtOL1C/XbLANA=.sha256 high-viz branch

If you can install it it gives you a 3D space you can fly through and explore connections withing

We need better viz-tools!
Part of me wants to go and hide in a cave and just work on visualisations. There was a graph viz in Patchwork classic that I made, and it was a highly popular feature ... but it was a resource hog.

@substack I don't suppose you're interested in mapping cypherspace and as well as mapping the world?

@mix %NS///2FXiwn491za/miQBz+PXgEEXhmg/TzfcDp2eLk=.sha256

ART~HACK //// ART~HACK //// ART~HACK //// (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

@Rich %RKJcfzsQ2BFZ6Wu/E8HVC26Ak5kNPJojUYXizvOqsiw=.sha256

paging #codeart

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User has chosen not to be hosted publicly
User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@mix %ffEUvOTQvsSRBGtWI2H6SpFYOFmuIMrHXqYiqCU2dH0=.sha256

well done! community problemsolving.

You gonna come hang at Art~Hack sometime @Melody - it runs every thursday night : %z24S7PC...

User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@mix %MYUnVNXHWIQtn/TBFQTC7H+gC0i3D/Qc9yQdIISZ7L0=.sha256

have you met the hACKland crew - @dominic is there a bit and I think @dangerousbeans lives there

@dangerousbeans %GvXltF24E/mnE1SdHK12PtC6hC+irRQkyTki1+6iCrM=.sha256

oh hey yeah a come multiplayer scuttle with us at hakland :>

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@mix %HN37KtVbaW4dT4R1JJ0/+7bn5112s11wDW3R9RT8mDo=.sha256

ahh, there's ~/.ssb/friends.json

I think that's an index of the follows - the values are :
true follow
null used to follow, now unfollowed
false blocked

That file is made by this plugin :
I've got a nother plugin which is gonna collect a wider range of social interaction data called ssb-server-actual-friends, but it currently on collects mentions

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