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@cryptix %zNlFFBYMvMAd8Vtv9b5j47gVb19Pn97vJIcsK7bLitQ=.sha256
Re: %NahlzqB+W

For the last weeks I tried to work 2,5days on the project per week (two 8hr days and the rest sprinkeled between the lines) but this turns out to be quite frustrating for me. It feels like I just got my head in the right space to continue making progress before I have to drift of to my other job. Thankfully the other project is also flexible and will mostlikly understand my wish to change this, as the same problem effects it as well.

Therefore I will change my shedule to work one project per week and alternate them weekly. I hope these prolonged slots of fucus will help also with my availability and responsivness for others.

Therefore: A totally unbiased coinflip decided to let #scuttle-shell sleep next week. I'm looking forward to prototyping an out-of-process plugin the week after.

cc #dev-diaries @SoapDog @mix

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